Important Dates

Paper submission due November 5 (Tue), 2024
Notification of acceptance November 25 (Mon), 2024
Camera-ready due December 13 (Tue), 2024
Workshop January 20(Mon), 2025 co-located with COLING 2025
* These dates are approximate dates based on COLING 2025 and are subject to changes.

First Call for Papers

Neural language models have revolutionised natural language processing (NLP) and have provided state-of-the-art results for many tasks. However, their effectiveness is largely dependent on the pre-training resources. Therefore, language models (LMs) often struggle with low-resource languages in both training and evaluation. Recently, there has been a growing trend in developing and adopting LMs for low-resource languages. LoResLM aims to provide a forum for researchers to share and discuss their ongoing work on LMs for low-resource languages.


LoResLM 2025 invites submissions on a broad range of topics related to the development and evaluation of neural language models for low-resource lan- guages, including but not limited to the following.

Submission Guidelines

We follow the COLING 2025 standards for submission format and guidelines. LoResLM 2025 invites the submission of long papers of up to eight pages and short papers of up to four pages. These page limits only apply to the main body of the paper. At the end of the paper (after the conclusions but before the references) papers need to include a mandatory section discussing the limitations of the work and, optionally, a section discussing ethical considerations. Papers can include unlimited pages of references and an unlimited appendix.

To prepare your submission, please make sure to use the COLING 2025 style files available here:

Papers should be submitted through Softconf/START using the following link: